Friday, September 16, 2011

Unifying The Hearts and Minds of the Human Being ...

The Intrinsic Value of Human Life. What does this mean to you? After many trips to India and passing the homeless without a care, I have been heartbroken by the images I have finally 'SEEN' ... As a tourist and a yogi in training, I could not bring myself to 'LOOK' before. I was too busy breathing in the spiritual depth of India and closing my eyes, meditating to the sounds ~ a deep resonance to every particle of 'sound'... Little todid I know I would become like my guru, Bhagavan Nityananda, a Social Reformer. But here I am, beginning on my vision, or I should say, Nityanandas' very clear 'image' imprinted into my brain... seeking a safe haven for the Older, Homeless men and women of Ganeshpuri ... and now, it feels greater than just one village... a Deep Change for all of India in the way they treat each other. A newborn is lifted up as a 'god', while the Old person is put on the street to die with their former dignity and honor stripped from them.

As Bhagavan Nityananda said, "‘Bhakti is Universal Love. See God in All beings without the least idea of duality, is Bhakti.’

To Start this journey, I would like to begin a program called, "ADOPT an INDIAN GRANDPARENT". More to come later as I determine with your helpful advice, HOW to proceed.

With deep gratitude for the grace of serving God, many blessings to you and yours ~